Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First Day in London!

Well after a long ..long flight, we made it to London! It was the longest flight I've been on and despite the few glitches we ran into, it was not bad at all. We arrived in JFK an hour late and all 20+ of us had to run through the airport to make our connecting flight! Luckily we all made it on the plane and laughed about the whole ordeal afterwards.
We landed in London at 7:00 a.m (which is around midnight in Utah), dropped our bags off at the hotel and off we went for the day. We are all suffering from some serious jet lag but hey we aren't about to waste any time! The commuting system here is so efficient! We have both the rail and the train pass which allows us to go just about anywhere. I figure it's a good thing seeing as how we are all a little intimidated by the cars with the steering wheels on the right side and having to drive in the opposite direction as the USA haha. Darrin gave us a tour around our hotel and the surrounding area to get familiar with things. We walked over to the Westminster Abbey, The National Portrait Gallery and Buckingham Palace. The best part of the day was right as we walked up to the front entrance to snap a few close up shots, the security guards opened up the gates and cleared the streets just as the Queen drove out! She waved to us as we tried to snap a few pictures of her. It was so exciting, talk about perfect timing! (There is a picture above that shows her) Now all I hope for is a glimpse of Prince William and Harry..oh and David Beckham of course haha :) It was a great first day in London! I'll be posting a blog every night so feel free to read and comment on them!